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Barkwells’ Reopening – Welcoming Guests Back Safely

Barkwells’ Reopening – Welcoming Guests Back Safely

Barkwells’ standard cleaning procedures already cover

99% of the CDC Coronavirus cleaning guidelines.

In addition to our normal 44 point cleaning checklist, we have added additional procedures for the safety of our guests and staff.


  • Allowing 24 hours between reservations, when possible
  • Adjusted check out & check in times to provide additional time for cleaning and disinfecting
  • Requesting guests to strip beds and put all linens in provided laundry bags to reduce contact
  • Upon checkout housekeeping will go into each cabin, open windows and spray the cabin or cottage with disinfectant, paying close attention to high contact surfaces.
  • Staff will be wearing PPE (including shoe covers) while cleaning.
  • Vacuum cleaners have been removed from the cabins. Please request one if you would like one during your stay.

Our laundry department has instituted the following changes:

  • Keeping designated buggies as dirty and clean.
  • Disinfecting and wiping down after each use
  • Keeping dirty linens from cabins in closed laundry bags to reduce contact.
  • Wearing gloves
  • Cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces throughout the day.

A clean, healthy environment has always been a top priority at Barkwells and continues to be. We still use environmentally based, natural cleaners and essential oils. We are now augmenting with CDC/EPA approved disinfectants. Please call the office or email us your request for additional information on our cleaning procedures.