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Who gives a crap? We do! Part Two

Along with Who Gives a Crap toilet paper, we are delighted to have found a good resource for organic cotton T shirts just down the mountain!

Based in Greenville, SC, SoftShirts organic cotton is grown without ANY pesticides. Growing “traditional” cotton typically takes more chemicals than just about any other crop in the world – so much so that birds and bees won’t return to an abandoned cotton field for up to 10 years. Organic cotton uses NO chemicals so the soil is never contaminated.


Local organic tee shirtsHowever, you cannot tell the difference between similar types of organic and traditional cotton yarn types just by feeling them. Better cotton comes from longer “staples” – meaning cotton grows differently all over the world and produces all sorts of quality variation. The better cottons of the world have a longer staple as it’s called – or strand. It makes the fiber stronger, softer, more durable and even hold color better.

SoftShirts uses all organic cotton with a long staple. They believe it has a positive impact on the environment and also provides a SOFTER, better cotton providing the softest shirt on the market. And, the supply chain is only an hour away –that’s local in our book!